
Starship III - Fully 3D Printable 28mm Spaceships

Created by 2nd Dynasty

Complete 28mm scale 3D printable spaceships for tabletop play or display, including full OpenLOCK-compatible modular interiors. Please note that store orders may take several days to fulfil and nothing will be delivered before Monday the 11th of March.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Livestream Tonight, 6:30 UTC!
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 04:06:35 PM

Today we are having another livestream! This time, it is an hour earlier, at 6:30 UTC, that's 7:30 CET where I live at +1 GMT.

Register for the livestream and submit your questions here!

As usual, we will start on Kickstarter Live! and migrate to Twitch after a half hour or so. I have tried to get OBS virtual cam to work with that streaming service to no avail. I realise we lose a lot of people when we make the switch to Twitch, but not much can be done whilst Kickstarter Live remains a pretty limited tool.

The theme of the livestream will be up to you guys, but since we have not gotten any new variants out for a while, I was thinking we could do a community variant or two.

We also plan on releasing the second turrets add-on later today, but a third pack with civilian themes could be a possibility as well.

Preemptively you might follow us on our Twitch Channel. We have tried streaming to Kickstarter Live! but the issue there is that we cannot share our screen, which makes it hard to show you what I am doing.

In other news, our test print of the Transport interior is almost complete. The last parts finished on the printer, and Jonathan and Theo have been painting them up.

The final version will need a redesign of the engine section.
The final version will need a redesign of the engine section.

See you guys tonight, hopefully!

The End is Neigh!
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 04:04:56 PM

We are closing in on our final days, with less than four days left until the campaign's conclusion! And we just hit an amazing 400K SEK, and unlocked a new stretch goal!

This workshop bay could it into any of the three ships and will be refined in the printable version to include a complete room and separate S tiles.
This workshop bay could it into any of the three ships and will be refined in the printable version to include a complete room and separate S tiles.

So the next question on everyone's minds is surely - but Ben, what comes next?

Don't worry, we have you covered!

A home away from home
A home away from home

The next Shuttle stretch is at 420K SEK and features all you need to transform your shuttle into a mobile home among the stars... Well, maybe not the stars - she probably doesn't have FTL - although that's entirely up to you!

Next is a version of the stretch scout that has six missile tubes!
Next is a version of the stretch scout that has six missile tubes!

This variant adds internal missile tubes that can double as drone launchers!

The transport also wanted to play...
The transport also wanted to play...

These internal missile loaders can fire short range missiles like torpedoes out the front of the transport's hard points. These can be installed in the unused front room and yes, you can mirror them for missiles on both sides.

Final 48 Approaching! Surprise 410K Stretch!
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 04:02:13 PM

We are less than 7 hours away from our final 48 hours, an exciting time when the mails go out and everyone who has hearted the project gets an email suggesting they check back in to make that final call!

But we are also approaching the 410K mark, just a hair away from the 420K SEK stretch goal, the RV shuttle!

But, we have been working for a while on some miniatures. Long since have our backers asked after miniatures to sit in the bridge seats and chairs! Now we love to listen, and here they are! The first five at least!

So here's the surprise! We are releasing these crew miniatures as a Starship III Exclusive add-on (automatically included with the All-In and Collector pledges). And since we are less than 70 SEK away, we have updated the graphics!

While we might have to see how these print scale wise, you guys will at least be getting the following:

At the very least, we will be including the five miniatures and everything shown above (although some parts are also featured in other pledges). you will be able to print them separately or in their chairs.

The captain
The captain

The captain is a veteran of many years in the spacy.

The pilot
The pilot
The pilot
The pilot
The tech
The tech
Spacesuit variants of the pilot and tech
Spacesuit variants of the pilot and tech
Completing your bridge scene
Completing your bridge scene

If these miniatures prove popular, we will be doing more in the future. We may also add standing poses if there is demand.

Please note that these are just renders, we will need to make the miniatures manifold and go through the prototyping phase before release.

Smashed through 420K!
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 04:00:20 PM

As expected, it did not take long to bust through that next Stretch Goal thanks to the 48 hour emails sent out by Kickstarter!

Our home away from home introduces new pieces to turn your shuttle into a space RV. 

Next up is the...

I updated the graphics somewhat... Still an early prototype. Yes, they are articulated.
I updated the graphics somewhat... Still an early prototype. Yes, they are articulated.

The results of the Transport Delta livestreams are in!

The printed and painted transport Delta interior is done! Sans a few parts at the rear that require new versions of the hull - this is still a prototype!

I have a feeling it won't be long until the next update!

Turrets Pack II Completed!
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 04:47:02 PM

Thanks to our third Livestream, we managed to get the missile launcher into the Turrets Pack II! This one adds another eight turret variants to your ship, including five laser lens variants (the single, double and triple turret for you Travellers out there), as well as an auto laser cannon and a K-Cannon. They should add some variety to your ships.

We discussed the possibility of a civilians turret pack with Airlocks, Sensors, Radar Dishes, and might add a probe launcher or missile launcher that is more of the tube variety for the ability to reload.

Gunbuster up your ship with some laser lenses
Gunbuster up your ship with some laser lenses

So now the Turrets Pack II add-on is available. You can add it by increasing your pledge by 100 SEK. The selection for it will be handled in the BackerKit. You will also be able to add it in the BackerKit if you want to wait. It is automatically included with the All-In and Collector pledges, adding additional value. 

The final pack is a minis pack, to add a captain and crew woman with a variety of poses. It should hopefully be done for Wednesday.