Complete 28mm scale 3D printable spaceships for tabletop play or display, including full OpenLOCK-compatible modular interiors.
Please note that store orders may take several days to fulfil and nothing will be delivered before Monday the 11th of March.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Wings and Minis
almost 6 years ago
– Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 05:50:35 PM
Salutations backers! With the vast majority of you having done your surveys (93% of you to be precise), we have turned our focus towards delivery of the stretch goals.
Tactical Miniatures
The miniatures took longer than I expected. Partially due to the fact that I chose to do 1:270 scale versions and then tactical miniatures not to scale.
At first, I tried retopologising (basically drawing over the top of the full scale model) to reduce polygons for the lower detail, but I realised after several days that this was untenable, and it is better to have the high detail models (for printers that can accommodate them).
So now I have got a process perfected, and fortunately, it is a while yet until the next miniature collection. Which means we can get to the good stuff.
I realised when I went into the office to photograph the prints (worked from home today to take care of the dog), that the Scout Ship and Transport do not have the correct holes for the stands. The scout ship is just poor oversight on my part - the part does exist, I just printed the wrong one and uploaded it. The transport has no hole yet because I needed to print it to find the balance point.
I should have corrections in the coming days, but consider yourself warned if you choose to print earlier.
Winged Shuttle
The winged shuttle has been released, and can be found in the latest ship update for the shuttle alpha files.
Please note! The stretch shuttle version I have promised will be released with the stretch shuttle parts.
I have it cranking out on the printer over the weekend, we shall see if the roll of filament I have is 36 metres or not - it can be hard to judge by eye! One of the easier test prints to pump out and show assembled.
Introducing Change Logs, Additional Documentation
At the request of many backers on our discord (remember to check the bottom of the campaign page for our links to our very active discord and facebook groups), I have started implementing a change log to make it clear what new or replacement parts are to be found amongst our files.
It should be noted that in the future, the aim is to have print guides so that you can see how the ships are built and how the default configurations fit together. But these are low priority at the moment. In the meantime, if you get stuck, I recommend checking in with our wonderful communities, the discord especially is quite active and full of helpful printing advice.
It is fantastic to see some of the great prints already coming in!
Mid-Week Hiccups
We did send out the miniatures on Tuesday, but it seems there was a sleight error. We added the common stretch goals (of which the tactical miniatures are a part of) to every bundle on, however it seems that if you have redeemed the link, your bundle does not get updated when we add a new title to it.
So I have had to send out a special Common Stretch Goals title to all backers that qualify.
Also, due to the amount of time the minis took, I am not as far along with the cargo variant of the scout ship, this will be in next week's update, and is also quite comprehensive.
Next Week's Schedule
Aiming for delivery next week (Friday the 29th) are the following:
Scout Ship Beta Cargo Variant parts
Transport Delta Gunship Variant parts
Turrets Pack I (dependent on Theo, who has a lot to do at the moment)
Shuttle Alpha Stretch Variant parts (and wings)
Scout Ship Beta Patrol Boat variant parts
Possibly also:
Transport Delta upper deck variant parts
Until then! Have a great week and happy printing!
Happy Sunday!
almost 6 years ago
– Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 01:50:44 AM
Today is Sunday, and I am finally recovered (more or less) and looking forward to a week of proper development. I spent a lot of time last week trying to streamline the process of making miniatures, and got the first shuttle (at around 1/270 scale - X-Wing scale) prototype printing on Friday before I went home.
Which means that tomorrow, I will be able to release the first miniatures bundle as there will actually be something to print. :)
Availability Clarifications and Delivery Pipeline
Only what is available at present has been sent out. A few backers have written to me asking where the rest of their ships are - as I have mentioned in previous updates, we are adding bundles, and as we release stretch goals, we will update the files.
This should mean, unless you have added one of the unfinished add-ons (such as the turret packs) in the BackerKit, the bundle will be updated automatically with the file when it becomes available.
This coming week we are looking to complete delivery of the following:
Tactical Miniatures (Shuttle tomorrow, others in following days)
Winged Shuttle Variant
Scout Cargo Variant
Transport Gunship Variant
Turrets Pack I (being test printed by Theo now, and is 90% finished)
We should get a good indication of the tempo we can produce stretch goals at in the coming week. I anticipate that the most fiddly thing is going to be the miniatures, but I think I have the technique down pat now.
Theo is going to deliver the Habitaiton II pack, Medical Bay, Workshop Bay and Turret Packs I and III. This will be in parallel with me working, although he is only on it part time.
Things like the variant miniatures and especially the crew miniatures are going to take the most time.
Finally, the rush is over, and a trickle of new surveys and deliveries come in every day.
By now, more than 90% of you have filled out your BackerKits and been delivered the first drivethrurpg bundles. The process has not been so optimal - we had a hard time sorting products - I think I have addressed the issues now and know what not to do in the future.
There is a small chance that your pledge might have fallen through the cracks - I have erred on the side of caution, as many of you might have noticed, sending out duplicate pledges in some cases. Hopefully there are only a few of you.
Uncompleted Surveys
There are around 50 of you that have still not filled out your BackerKit surveys. BackerKit will periodically send out reminders. I know there are a few of you waiting until you get additional funds because you want add-ons, and others are in no rush. This is fine, and we will usually be able to process the BackerKit within 24 hours, but know that it could take longer going forward.
Don't worry, the backerkit will not be closed until all deliveries had been made, and the 'pre-order store' will be open until all stretch goals and add-ons are completed, a process that I estimate will take us to the end of May.
Missing Deliveries
If you have not received your files, despite having sent in your survey and me locking it, most likely the drivethrurpg mail has made its way through your junk mail folder. Many times, these files are not kept long by your mail program. You will need to get in touch (a direct message is best) and we will sort you out.
Declined Cards
There are still a handfull of backers with cards that have bounced. Unfortunately, we cannot complete these deliveries until these funds are secured, so if this is an issue, please get in touch. BackerKit will periodically remind you of this until the issue is resolved.
Additional Funding
In total, we have now raised 669,000 SEK! The extra funds have offset Kickstarter's share of the funding, which means that I can run the business longer and hopefully expand in the future. I am looking to add an additional modeller to my team in the future.
That's all for now - more pictures next week!
Delivery Part II
almost 6 years ago
– Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 12:28:02 AM
So! BackerKit was more of a mess than I was anticipating! Or rather, BackerKit and together are more of a mess than I was anticipating. The process of getting files out is messy and looks like it will get messier before it gets better.
For universal orders (if you just pledged, with few to no add-ons), you should have already received your links if your pledge manager has been locked (completed before the send out yesterday).
More complex orders got to the point where they were on an individual basis.
Better Safe Than Sorry
I am going to change the way that I release files. Another 37 backers will have their orders processed today, and I am going to reprocess those who have had deliveries already - I would rather be safe than sorry.
Declined Cards
There were at least 7 of you with declined cards, so until that is rectified, we cannot process your orders.
If You Have A Problem/Are Missing Something
I would encourage you not to contact me via the comments section. This is not because I am worried about being open, but for your own security. Some of you have for example posted your email addresses publicly, which is a security risk. Send a direct message instead - which also makes it easier for me to look at your order, etc.
I am hoping to get some help with Lise-Lott with processing orders, as there is not much modelling getting done with so many individual orders to process. Hopefully I can streamline the process and get back to doing what I am good at.
Time to Deliver
almost 6 years ago
– Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 01:19:54 PM
So I have worked all day to get the exterior of the base transport ready for print - all parts should test manifold/complex, and should be printable.
There are no instructions yet, and the interior is missing, and will be updated in the coming days, but this should get you started. With the exception of the engines (×2) and landing gear (×8) each part only requires one copy (from memory).
So, as I know you guys are keen to get started, I will be sending out bundles for those who have locked pledges. PLEASE NOTE: If you are a Miniatures Collector, there will be nothing available this week. The first miniatures, introduced originally as a stretch goal, are scheduled to be released as the base models next week.
DriveThruRPG Instructions (READ CAREFULLY)
Files are being released through I will do this in the next few hours for those who have locked their pledges, and then once per day until Friday, after which, it may take longer to process orders.
NOTE: If your credit card bounced, or you haven't locked your pledge, you won't be sent a delivery until these clear, backerkit will remind you.
An email will be sent out to your Kickstarter email address. These emails hold a link to a complimentary copy of a product bundle which will contain all your files.
Please note: NOT ALL FILES ARE CURRENTLY RELEASED AND AVAILABLE. We will be releasing them as they become available. You should be informed by when we update files that you own.
The emails that are sent out with these links are NOTORIOUS for the ending up in people's Junk folders. So before contacting us, please try looking there, and ensure that you are also looking in the email account you have as your registered Kickstarter email address.
The emails should come from [email protected]. Start with a search of that address if it goes missing.
If you truly can't find it, and have allowed a full 24 hours, feel free to get in touch via a DM here on Kickstarter or BackerKit support.
Do I need to have provided the same email address as my drivethrurpg account?
No, you get sent a complimentary copy, which you can then attribute to your account when you login.
I don't have an account, can I still get my files?
Yes, this is not a problem, you just create the account when you check out with the complimentary copy.
Do I have to make a drivethrurpg account?
Yes. Although not until check out. Alternative distribution can be arranged, but through drivethrurpg you can be notified of updates as we improve the files.
When I click on the product, it says We're sorry... This title is not available. Here are some other titles you might like...
This is because the bundles I have sent out are hidden. So they don't turn up in Drivethrurpg (or its sister sites) by default. However, if you go to your downloads, they should turn up there.
I don't know how to put my ships together!
Instructions will eventually be made but are not currently available. Most ship parts should be easily assembled by following the contours of the hull. If you get stuck, reach out on Facebook or Discord and the community may come to your aid.
The clips don't fit!
You need to remove the supports. The OpenLOCK bases and walls have inbuilt support that you need to remove first. See the guide below:
We cannot distribute the OpenLOCK clips, you must download them yourself through this free package from printable scenery here.
Pledge/Ship Delivery Status
I plan to start a system to keep an eye on the updates as they come and as I can figure out the ETAs. I expect this to be more detailed as time goes on and we get an idea of the tempo. We are in Week 4 of the Post Campaign.
The Miniature Collector - Nothing modelled so far (based on stretch goals), I anticipate the first downloads to have an ETA Week 5.
Space Shuttle Alpha - Base Shuttle Available and ready for release, stretch goals in the pipeline.
Transport Delta - Base Transport Exterior available and ready for release, interior and stretch goals in the pipeline. Etas to come in the next update.
Scout Ship Beta - Base Scout Ship Available and ready for release, stretch goals in the pipeline.
The Collector - See ships above and add-ons below. All other items from previous campaigns are available and should be attributed to your account as a bundle.
Add-Ons - Turret Pack I is being test printed, ETA Week 5 or sooner; the others are in the pipeline.
Yup... Delayed... But not why you think!
almost 6 years ago
– Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 01:03:55 AM
Today was a real battle. Maybe I got back to work a few days too early with this flu, basically making sure the Scout Ship and Shuttle are complete and ready for prime time as standalone ships (i.e. missing parts from past kickstarters integrated, etc).
I have overdone it today, my health has declined again, was hoping it would be worth it... but continue reading...
Transport Update
The rear section of the transport is done and printable, with a basic model of the engine ready for prime time. I will probably make it more detailed in the future as we iterate new parts.
I also am in the process of making sure the clips fit at the same points front and back - this will make the saucer version compatible, and also allow fools who don't care for aesthetics to Caterpillar the mid section like an accordion, lengthening the ship.
So yeah. That's TECHNICALLY possible now.
The front needs some double checking to make sure that the interior will fit more loosely than it did for the prototype. I also want to make sure that the ship is already compatible for the hard points, which the internal missile bay uses.
Basically, it's a lot of plastic, and I don't want people printing out too many parts that will get shortly upgraded. Hope that makes sense.
Right in the...
But here is the crux of it - drivethrurpg is down for maintenance. It's a kick in the bollocks I know, and I realise many are chomping at the bit to get started printing, but consequently, we cannot deliver today.
Update as I write: I just saw that has come back online, but it will take me hours to set up, and I really need to sleep. Hope you guys can wait. I will see if I can't crack out the transport tomorrow so that all three go out.